Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Why I Suddenly Couldn't Breathe

It's scary.

Not being able to breathe...

A couple days ago, I was down in my mini home-laboratory, trying to mix up a new herbal concoction that could be used as both a natural cleaning agent, a bug killer and repellent, and a home air freshener and detoxifier... all at the same time!

You probably already know this, but...

... in addition to being an artist...

... I'm also a herbalist.

And as herbalists are wont to do, I like to experiment and create new stuff using Nature's finest herbs.

Stuff for healing.

Stuff for relaxing.

And even stuff for cleaning. Without all the synthetic chemicals laden on us by Big Industry that do microscopic long-term damage to your health.

(I also majored in chemistry in college for one of my degrees by the way. So maybe that's also why I have these weird hobbies.)

Anyway, after I was done mixing up my new solution...

... I started pouring it into a special sprayer I had so that I could start testing out my lovely new creation.

The sprayer was supposed to squirt the liquid in a straight line.

But suddenly:

The sprayer started malfunctioning...

And instead of spraying in a straight line like any good water gun does... it started turning the liquid into a mist and diffusing it everywhere! In case you're wondering... NO it's NOT supposed to do that!

And even worse:

I hadn't finished diluting the solution yet!


(This is the last time I purchase equipment from China. No-offense if you're from China. I just find that their equipment malfunctions way too often.)

Anyway, I didn't inhale too much, but I did breathe a little in...

... and I don't know why...

... but I started finding it hard to breathe.

Well, let me rephrase that.

I could breathe just fine.

But somehow, I felt that I wasn't getting enough oxygen. And I was starting to get dizzy and faint.

I quickly rushed to the pantry, and grabbed a bottle of extra hot cayenne powder... dumped some of it in water... and gulped it down... to open up my lungs, keep my circulation going and stop myself from fainting.

Next, I quickly whipped together a batch of stuff that's normally used to combat low oxygen at high altitudes.

Blackstrap molasses.

Gingko Biloba.

A pure and concentrated megadose of Vitamin C powder (which I normally don't use, but it's good to have on hand when you need fast recovery of any kind during almost any emergency.)

And I ran to an open window to get more fresh air.

I started feeling better.

But I was still having some issues.

Some dizziness.

Starting to get some numbness.

And I couldn't really think straight.

So finally, I grabbed a few drops of highly diluted food-grade hydrogen peroxide and used that to infuse oxygen into my body. I won't go into how I did it, because it's a bit controversial, but when you can't think straight, you just instinctively go for what works in the moment.

And work it did...

... for I quickly started going back to normal.


That was close.

I'm fine now.

But I really need to be more careful about having all my safety equipment on when running experiments.

Not being able to breathe is scary!

Now I know what it feels like to be a terminally ill Covid patient who can't breathe.

I do have some health clients who came down with Covid. But, because of how knowledgeable they are right now about taking care of their health and immune system, none of them even got sick. So... this is the closest I'll get to seeing something like that... I hope...

Anyway, I'm still here.

I'm fine.

And I know what I'll be thankful for this Thanksgiving! :)

Being alive and being able to breathe fresh air.

And, in case you were wondering:

Yes, I do have some lovely stuff you can use this Thanksgiving to express thankfulness to your family, friends and loved ones and to show gratefulness to the world for just being alive.

It's now up in the store for the coming Autumn season.

So, if you have anyone or anything you're grateful for, check it out here before Fall ends.

Aurelia Nobleia
"Too Clumsy For Chemistry"

P.S. Yes, I'm grateful to you too!

Thanks so much for reading this and for supporting all my work! :)


This letter "Why I Suddenly Couldn't Breathe" was first published on turnip.co