What You'll Get In This Watercolor Rubber Duck Clip Art Design Set :-
[1] Hand painted cute yellow rubber ducky with pink blush cheeks and body positioned horizontally, with head turned to the left and looking straight at you...
[1] Cute watercolor pink parasol umbrella with pink handle and black stem, covered with several light grey speckle painted dots...
[1] Watercolour flower with lots of white petals and golden yellow centre...
[1] Pink cute and lovely bow tied ribbon...
[1] Gray and white bathtub seen from horizontal side view along with two legs...
... and more!
Click the image or link to navigate and see more...
[URL] : https://www.etsy.com/listing/693235018/watercolor-rubber-duck-clip-art-umbrella
[NAME] : Watercolor Rubber Duck Clip Art Design
[SIZE] : About 7 in by 7 in each
[TYPE] : Transparent png
[ITEMS] : 14 items (2 rubber ducks, 2 light blue flowers, 1 daisy, 1 dark blue flower, 1 bathtub, 1 scarf, 1 umbrella, 1 rubber duck with blue scarf, 1 rubber duck with flower crown, 1 soap bubble, 1 pink bow ribbon, 1 blue ribbon)
[RESOL] : 300 dpi
[STYLES] : Cute, kawaii, sweet, watercolor, whimsical, relaxing, fun, childlike, hand painted.
[USAGES] : Planner stickers, stationery design, fabric design, blog posts, software, etc.
[TAGGINGS] : Watercolor Rubber Duck Clip Art, Umbrella Clipart PNG, Floral Flower Clipart, Ribbon Clipart, Bathtub Clipart, Commercial Use Rubber Ducky
[OCCASIONS] : Baby Showers, Bridal Showers, Wedding Invitations, Birthdays, Anniversary Celebrations, etc.
[USE] : Unlimited Quantity Commercial License included. You may use this for anything you want, except...[TERMS] : You are not allowed to resell or giveaway this clipart as is. You may not sell or give it away as part of a clipart or graphics package. You cannot resell or re-license the rights to these graphics or use them in a trademark without permission.
[CREDITS] : No credit or attribution required, but is appreciated and welcome.
[SHARING] : You cannot sell, lend or give any of these cliparts to anyone. If you have any friend who likes our work please refer them to our store.
[ADDITIONAL] : Colors may vary upon printing due to computer color calibration.
This post Watercolor Rubber Duck Clip Art Design was first published on turnip.